Thursday, November 30, 2006

Hamlet Vocabulary words for 11/27/06- December 8th

Hamlet Vocabulary words for 11/27/06- December 8th

1. Purport
2. Perusal
3. Profound
4. Discretion
5. Lunacy
6. Rebuke
7. unrequited
8. Brevity
9. celestial
10. solicit

11. slanders
12. rogue
13. tedious
14. infinite
15. disposition
16. pestilent
17. faculties
18. foil
19. endeavor
20. rapiers

AP Homework Journal Hamlet

Today we decided to have people wait and post their journal entries after we've read the scene in question. We are focusing on Hamlet's "to be or not to be" tomorrow.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

AP Homework Journal Hamlet

King Claudius states, "Madness in great ones must not unwatched go." (III.i.) How is this true in any age? What evidence can you find in recent news stories to support this statement? How do societies keep checks and balances in their "great ones?"

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

AP Vocabulary List Through 11/17/2006

Hamlet Act One

1. Apparition
2. Fortified
3. Smote
4. Emulate
5. Valiant
6. Forfeit
7. Enterprise
8. Portentuous
9. Harbingers
10. Prologue

11. malicious
12. invulnerable
13. mockery
14. lofty
15. green (not as in color)
16. dirge
17. impotent
18. coronation
19. dejected
20. obsequious

Harbor Humanities Homework: Resoutions

A resolution is an opinion about which there can be a logical debate with two opposing arguments. For example, I think smoking should be banned in public places. Smoking should be banned in public places is is a resolution. I think or I believe is an opinion indicator.
Your homework tonight is to write 5 resolutions on index cards with your names on the back of each card.

For example, the school day should only be three hours long.

AP Homework Journal Hamlet

To what extent do parents have the right to "spy" or check up on their children? What circumstances allow or prevent this?

Monday, November 27, 2006

Vocabulary Words 11/27/06- 12/8/2006

Vocabulary Words for Harbor Humanities
December Waterfront Debate
All words are from NY TIMES article

1. Decaying
2. Developers
3. Residential
4. Relics
5. Esplanade
6. Industrial
7. Surged
8. (Resurgence)
9. Proximity
10. Curtailed
11. Restricted
12. Emblematic
13. Desolate
14. Hub
15. Propelled
16. Underutilized
17. Re-zoning
18. Unanimously
19. Luxury
20. Envisioned
21. Capitalize
22. Assets
23. Neglected
24. Repository
25. Inappropriate
26. Derelict
27. Novel
28. Ambitious
29. Spruce
30. Exception
31. Prominence
32. Negotiations
33. Preserve
34. Ineligible
35. Inclusionary
36. Modifications